The Avery D. Weisman & J. William Worden Award for New Investigators

Award Criteria


*Newly Renamed* The Avery D. Weisman & J. William Worden Award for New Investigators is presented for outstanding research contributions in psychosocial oncology.


The nominee must be an APOS member and be within ten years of completing his or her highest level of training (e.g., graduate training, medical or postdoctoral fellowship, or equivalent specialist training).

APOS members may self nominate.

To nominate an APOS member for this award please submit the following through the online nomination portal:

  • A nomination letter of support (confidential) by a Full Member or a cover letter from those self nominating (1 letter required, additional 2 are optional);
  • A complete curriculum vitae, with details of specific termination dates of degrees and post-graduate training;
  • A statement from the nominee, not to exceed 500 words, highlighting significant research accomplishments in the area of psychosocial oncology;
  • Copies of up to four publications that represent the candidate’s work in the area. (1 is required, additional 3 are optional).

    Award Benefits

    The Avery D. Weisman & J. William Worden Award for New Investigators recipient shall receive a $1,000 honorarium, an award recognition during the award ceremony and an annual conference complimentary registration.