The American Psychosocial Oncology Society (APOS) stands together with other healthcare organizations to condemn racism and racial disparities. As psycho-oncology professionals, we know firsthand how disparities in cancer diagnosis, treatment and survivorship affect health outcomes across our communities on a daily basis. APOS is committed to doing more to address systemic racism and to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in cancer care and research. To that end, as a first step, we will conduct an organization-wide self-assessment so we can begin to take action to effect change within our sphere of influence. During this process, we will actively seek the perspectives and participation of our members, constituents, and communities. Together, we will promote a more just and equitable society by doing our part to overcome racism and racial disparities through our advocacy, education, practice, and research.
Learn more about APOS through our Mission, Vision and Core Values and our Strategic Plan.