The American Psychosocial Oncology Society is now accepting abstracts for the 18th annual conference on March 10-12, 2021. The theme of the 2021 virtual conference is Leveraging Innovation to Enhance Impact: Research, Practice, and Policy Perspectives.
Psychosocial oncology professionals in all disciplines and cancer advocates are encouraged to submit abstracts as part of a symposium or as individual podium or poster presentations. We welcome research, program, and clinical abstracts, including meta-analyses, systematic reviews, case presentations, and program evaluations. Preferred abstracts will address the conference theme and objectives. Priority areas include research, practice, training, and advocacy endeavors that support equity in psychosocial oncology as related to age, race, ethnicity, religion, culture, language, disability, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression.
Abstracts are now being accepted for the following presentation types:
- Symposium - 90-minute presentation (additional guidelines apply)
- Podium presentation - 20-minute presentation
- Poster presentation
Poster & Podium Sessions are both submitted using the "Poster/Podium" submission form online. Within the form, you may elect to submit for Poster-Only, Poster/Podium, or Podium-Only. |
Submission Deadlines:
- Symposia Submission – September 21, 2o20*
- Poster/Podium Sessions – October 30, 2020
- Late Breaking Abstracts (poster only) – January 25, 2021
*Decisions on symposia presentations will be announced the week of October 23, 2020 allowing those not selected for a symposium to resubmit their abstract as a poster/podium session. Poster/Podium Session decisions will be announced early December
Abstracts will be reviewed and selected for presentation based on significance to psychosocial oncology, relevance to the conference theme, innovation, appropriate analytic approach, findings, implications for research and practice, and clarity of writing.
Abstracts detailing planned research that has not yet been conducted will not be considered for inclusion in the 2021 conference program.

Across all objectives, priority areas include research, practice, training, and advocacy endeavors that support equity in psychosocial oncology as related to age, race, ethnicity, religion, culture, language, disability, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression.
Define research, practice and training priorities for the field of psychosocial oncology that reflect emerging trends and advancements in cancer care, with a special interest in implementation science efforts to enhance reach and impact. |
Demonstrate how psychosocial oncology researchers, practitioners, advocates, and policy makers leverage principles of innovation and its associated tools to advance the field - including (but not limited to) technology, data-driven metrics, emerging care delivery models, multi-disciplinary training programs. |
Present evidence of the impact of psychosocial oncology to overall cancer care using metrics that may include cost-effectiveness, medical outcomes, patient and community satisfaction, provider satisfaction, and training outcomes. |
Describe innovative models of psychosocial oncology care delivery that promote integration and adoption of scientific, evidence-based findings into clinical practice, training programs, and policy. |

CLICK HERE to download a printable instruction sheet (PDF). Please read carefully before submitting.
Submission Requirements for Symposium and Podium Presentations:
When submitting your abstract, you will be asked to identify your abstract as research (basic & applied, metaanalyses, systematic reviews), program (program evaluations, policy implementation) or clinical (case reports and clinical services). Abstract submissions should include the following:
• Background/Purpose. Clearly state the purpose of the abstract, describing the focus and significance to the field of psychosocial oncology.
• Methods. For basic & applied research abstracts, describe the study’s design, participants, setting, data collection, and analytic approach. For meta-analysis & systematic review research abstracts, identify the databases searched, criteria for selection and inclusion of studies in the analysis, and methods for assessing risk of bias. For clinical case study abstracts, include the referral problem, assessment data and diagnosis, case conceptualization and treatment plan, and details of the course of treatment including specific interventions and mechanisms of change. For program abstracts, review the current program or policy, stating the necessity for change.
• Results. For research (basic & applied, meta-analysis & systematic review) abstracts, present your results in a logical sequence. For clinical case study abstracts, summarize qualitative and/or quantitative changes and note the clinical significance of the outcomes. For program abstracts, present results and impact of programmatic changes or policy implementation.
• Conclusions and Implications. Emphasize new and important aspects of the research study, case report, or program/policy implementation and the conclusions drawn from them. Describe how findings are relevant to the science and practice of psychosocial oncology, the need for future research or clinical investigation. • Acknowledgement of Funding.
• Learning Objective. Provide at least one learning objective for your abstract, using action verbs and listing measurable objectives. For example, “The participant shall be able to analyze the practice implications of…” instead of, “The participant shall be able to understand the practice implications of…”
Word Limit for all Submission Types:
The Background/Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusions sections combined must be 300 words or fewer. Acknowledgement of funding and learning objectives are not counted in the word limit. Implications are excluded from the word count.
Symposium Submission Guidelines:
The symposium chair/convener must submit symposium title, overall symposia description, and each presenter’s contact information using the online submission system. CLICK HERE to view an example of an overall symposia description. The system will contact the proposed speakers to submit individual abstracts online, linking the speaker abstracts to the symposium title. For more information, see the INSTRUCTION SHEET. Symposium abstracts will be reviewed as a group and will be accepted or rejected as a group. If your symposium is not accepted, you may resubmit your abstract as a poster or podium presentation. The symposium chair is responsible for communicating conference information to individual speakers. It is preferred that symposium speakers do not represent the same institution. Symposium abstracts that address the conference theme and objectives will be preferred.