The APOS Professional Education Committee launched the #APOSWebinarSeries in 2011 to provide ongoing professional education activities that further our mission of advancing the science and practice of psychosocial care for people affected by cancer. Our webinars are developed for multidisciplinary healthcare professionals conducting research and/or patient care activities related to psychosocial oncology.
- All webinars are FREE to all APOS Members! APOS webinars are streamed live with the opportunity to interact directly with our expert speakers.
You must have WebEx ARF Player installed to play archived webinars.
NOTE: CEs are not available for archived webinars!

Trauma Informed Care in Oncology: Caring with Compassion
Friday, January 26, 2024, 1-2PM Eastern
Presenters: Elizabeth Archer-Nanda & Meagan Dwyer • Q&A Hosted by Gabriel Cartagena
In this session, participants will gain understanding of the research around trauma, the impact of trauma on health, & trauma informed practices. A case study will be used to demonstrate application of trauma informed model within oncology.
Learning Objectives
- Define trauma.
- Identify and describe 2 or more trauma related theories.
- Explain Trauma Informed Care (TIC).
- Identify 3 or more ways to apply TIC in Oncology settings.

Shaken to the Core: Spiritual Struggles as a Vital Topic for Clinical Practice and Research
Friday, April 26, 2024, 12-1PM Eastern
Presenter: Keith Pargament • Q&A Hosted by Brittany Wright
Spiritual struggles are tensions, strains, and conflicts around sacred matters involving the supernatural, other people, and within oneself. Drawing on research findings, we will make several key points: a) spiritual struggles are commonplace across virtually every orientation to spirituality (including atheism), demographic groups, cultures, and various physical and mental health problems; (b) spiritual struggles have been robustly associated with greater distress and serious mental health and physical health problems; and (c) spiritual struggles have also been associated less consistently with reports of personal growth and transformation. We will then discuss how spiritual struggles can be assessed in the context of health are. We conclude by considering several ways health care professionals can assist patients who are experiencing spiritual struggles.
Learning Objectives
- Identify and distinguish among six types of spiritual struggles
- Assess for the presence of spiritual struggles in the assessment process
- Access four clinical resources to help people facing spiritual struggles reduce distress and achieve greater wholeness and growth

Navigating Rough Waters Together: A Webinar to Foster Transgender Accompliceship Among Psychoncologists
Thursday, September 21st, 2PM - 3:30PM ET
Presenters: Ash B. Alpert and Scout • Q&A Hosted by Delia Sosa
In this one-hour webinar, transgender researchers and community advocates delineate the conflations of gender, sex, & biological factors and the ways this impacts the experiences of transgender people with cancer, describe the impacts of the current political climate, and list strategies to advocate for transgender patients within oncology contexts.
Learning Objectives
- Delineate the conflations of gender, sex, & biological factors
- Describe the implications of the current political climate for psychooncology care.
- List strategies to advocate for transgender patients within oncology contexts.

Leaning into research: Empowering Careers, Mentoring, and Collaborative Advocacy
Tuesday, October 17th, 12PM - 1:15PM ET
Presenters: Lori Wiener and Natalie McAndrew (Building a bridge between clinical practice and psychosocial research), Tim Sannes (Career Advancement and Negotiating Support for Research), and Alexandra Zaleta (Research Collaboration with Community and Advocacy Partners) • Q&A Hosted by Lindsey Wamsley, Alternate Paths to Research
Co-Sponsored by the APOS Research Committee and APOS Mentoring Committee, Jamie Jacobs & Tim Sannes
Whether you’re starting out your career, mid-career, or pivoting toward more scholarly pursuits, getting research off the ground can be tough. This webinar – co-sponsored by the APOS Research Committee and APOS Mentoring Committee - seeks to provide practical guidance on how to cultivate a thriving research program: from getting started on a new research project and incorporating it into your clinical practice, to negotiating for protected research time, to expanding your research lens to include community and advocacy partners. We will conclude with a Q&A session, that broadly discusses “alternative paths to research.” There should be valuable take-aways for seasoned researchers or junior investigators alike!
Learning Objectives
- By the end of the presentation, the learner will be able to name two strategies to initiate a research project in clinical practice setting or if you are already an experienced researcher, you will learn two strategies to support a mentee who may be initiating a research project in a clinical practice setting.
- Participants will be able to identify at least one strategy for negotiating support for research and recognize what other researchers report as barriers early in their career.
- Participants shall be able to describe at least two benefits of community-engaged research.

Practical Strategies for Engaging, Supporting, and Integrating Cancer Caregivers
Tuesday, November 28th, 2PM - 3PM ET
Presenters: Erin Kent, Margaret Longacre, Heidi Donovan, and Kelly Tan • Q&A Hosted by Lyndsey Wallace
Cancer caregivers, those supporting a family member or friend with cancer, are essential members of a patient’s support system. Awareness about the need to recognize and engage caregivers as a member of patient’s care team is increasing. A 2017 landscape survey of the NCI Community Oncology Research Program found that 64% of practices that responded to the survey reported having supportive care services for caregivers (Nightingale et al., Cancer, 2021). However, best practices for engaging caregivers are often locally developed and rarely shared between institutions. The purpose of this webinar is to provide an overview of lessons learned from two cancer caregiver support programs and examples of ways that cancer centers have engaged, supported, and integrated caregivers.
Learning Objectives
- Summarize the needs of caregivers of cancer patients in the U.S. throughout the cancer care continuum.
- Describe two initiatives for providing caregivers more support throughout the cancer care continuum that cancer centers could implement.
- List at least one strategy for implementing a small, low-cost support strategy for caregivers in cancer centers.
Stay tuned for our Workshop Schedule
The APOS Professional Education Committee launched the quarterly #APOSWorkshopSeries in 2020 to provide ongoing professional education activities that further our mission of advancing the science and practice of psychosocial care for people affected by cancer. Our workshops are developed for multidisciplinary healthcare professionals conducting research and/or patient care activities related to psychosocial oncology.
Stay tuned for future workshops!
Are you interested in planning or presenting a webinar or workshop?
Please complete the form below and email the headshots of all those involved with credentials to info@dev.apos-society.org and we will work on getting it scheduled.